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Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Plan a Dinner (Day 2)

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"Hospitality involves welcoming, creating space, listening, paying attention, and providing. Meals slow things down. Some of us don't like that. We like to get things done. But meals force you to be people oriented instead of task oriented. Sharing a meal is not the only way to build, relationships, but it is number one on that list." -Tim Chester
 In order to be intentional with your meals your going to need to do two things: plan a meal and invite others to join you. So today, I'd like you to pick a date and draw up a list of people to invite. Later in the week we'll talk more about how to be intentional with who you invite but for now just do some brainstorming.

Also consider the following details:
  • What time of day will your meal be? I think dinner is ideal because people are more prone to linger and thus deeper conversations are more likely to develop. Brunch is also nice for the same reason but dinner is my favorite when it comes to being missional.
  • Will your meal take place in your home or in a public place? I think both are good options depending on the crowd and culture of your area but in this case I'm going to recommend your home. Just trust me on this and we'll talk more in depth about it later in the month. 
So today get out your calendar and schedule your meal. That's it. I'll help you with recipes, simple techniques, and topics later. For today, just keep it simple and save that date. 

In the month of October I'm writing a series on Missional Meals. I've linked up with The Nester and thousands of other bloggers who have chosen a topic to write on for 31 days. Visit here to start at the beginning of my series. 


  1. me too- food draws people together and Girl- it's my love language. I'm trying to do better about just serving my own family in the evening, making it an occasion instead of the usual, get'er done. =) Great 31 days focus.

    1. Lori, I love your attitude toward the family dinner. Thanks for following along.

  2. This is a good point Joy. Great cooking is all about planned spontaneity. Looking forward to more!

    1. Thanks, Renia. I find that the practical steps often get in the way most when it comes to people living with intention on their missional journey.
