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Friday, June 28, 2013

In Between (Five Minute Friday)

 I’m in between the end and the beginning. A necessary ending and a new beginning. I’m excited and scared. I looking toward the hopefulness of pursuing dreams and seeing them realized. Sure, I’m scared. But I’m also excited and feeling alive for the first time in a long time.

And isn’t most of life lived in the in between? In the “already, not yet?” That has been my experience. Great loss in the midst of extreme joy. Hatred of sin and incredible love for people.

We’re always waiting for something. I’ve found that pattern in  my own life. Always thinking that the next big thing will make it better. Solve our problems. Fill our void. We’re always in the middle of a hard time, just coming out of one, or waiting for one to happen.

And what I’ve recently discovered (yes, it’s taken me so long) is that if we don’t really LIVE in the midst of the in between then we’ve missed most of life. So much of life is neither happy or sad. But grey. So much of life is the in between.

God, please teach me to embrace all life’s seasons of in between.

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Five Minute Friday


  1. So real. So honest. Thanks for that.

  2. Learning this same lesson!! Like, I think, so many of us are.
    Your neighbour from FMF.
