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Monday, April 1, 2013

When Easter is Broken

My holidays seem to be perpetually broken. I spent most of Easter weekend doing nothing at all as I fought an unexpected Spring cold. Sure on Sunday I went to Easter brunch and church in the evening but now I’m paying for it. It’s Easter Monday and I’m still sick. Home from work.  Stuck on the couch. Surrounded by a home that makes me feel more like drowning than living.

We’re in this season of life where good things are happening but amidst those good things there are still holes in our heart. Right now we’re being swallowed up by busyness and we’re not entirely shore where it’s come from. But what we do know is something has to change. We’re not doing the things we need to do and we’re confused about the things we want to do. 

What we really need is a break. A respite from the things that pull us in ten million different directions. If I’m honest though I hear the word “perfect” being whispered somewhere in the dark of my heart. That is the hanging chad, the lofty goal I dream about but can never get right. I know it’s unrealistic. And at the beginning of the year I thought I had a pretty good perspective on it. But it’s only the first of April and I seem to have come a long way from a prayer for imperfection.

But isn’t that what Easter is all about? Without Jesus being broken for my sins, your sins, we would never be able to experience the victory of a resurrected Christ made whole. Without Jesus literally drowning we would have no hand to hold when we feel like we’re drowning. So on this Easter Monday I try to remember that our troubles are both light and momentary. This season of life will be over before I know it. But I can always look on Jesus who was broken so that in all of this I can be made whole.


  1. What a wonderful word. I'm on the upside of a valley and though this season was painful, I have seen The Lord, as Isaiah did in His true place more clearly than before.

    1. That is so good to hear, Emily. I've noticed that I tend to hold on to my burdens when right there Jesus is waiting for me to release them to Him.

  2. Hi Joy, I hope you're feeling better today. I understand the feeling of busyness and confusion with things you're wanting to do. Praying for you, clear direction, wisdom, and rest. <3

    1. Thank you friend. I'm discovering that I may be burnt out...The good news is that God is revealing the burdens I need to release to Him.
