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Friday, April 12, 2013

Here (Five Minute Friday)

So I have a dumb phone. Or shall I say had. Yup. Yesterday, I broke the phone I’ve had since 2008. I had no intention of giving up my safe dumb phone. But it’s dead and I have to choose something new. And this choice, friends, is bringing out my fears…

You see I’m a high “S” on the DISC. S’s like making the “right” decision and do that just fine. Excepy when the right way isn’t clear. And in the face of grey, we panic. And so last night at the Verizon store that’s just what I did and I’ve been doing it ever since…

And who knew that wrestling with the albeit minor decision of dumb versus smart (phones that is) would open up a pathway for me to explore my fears? Of change. Of uncertainty. Of grey. And sometimes I make too much of the here and now. Unlike others who long to live in the moment I can get stuck in the details. And they can make me a slave.

So I will choose a new phone. And I will learn that in the long run I may not remember these moments of seemingly silly fear and self doubt. And maybe, hopefully, I’ll also learn to not let the greatness of the future God’s given me be overshadowed by the momentary struggles and details.

And maybe I can be free and still live in the here and now?

Five Minute Friday


  1. Really good stuff! And I felt the same way when I switched over- I only made the jump after my hubby made me borrow his smart phone for awhile (he knew I'd get hooked quick!) I not only fell hard for my "magic phone" as our friend who has NOT yet switched refers to them LOL, but I loved it so much I even switched from good old paper backs to a kindle- enjoy your journey!

    1. Thanks, Bobbi. I already have a Kindle. But it doesn't pose the threat of always-connected-addiction that a smart phone does. Ugh. Battling fears :/

  2. The fears and the details, I understand your struggle. It is the fear of failure that no one else sees as a failure, except us. Thanks for sharing and letting us "S"s know we aren't alone.

    1. Oh thank you, Molly. Your great words are encouraging.

  3. Joy, I'm so glad to see you're joining in FMF! And I'm the same way with decisions! Ugh, it's hard when there's so much gray! Hope you find a good phone...perhaps even already found it. <3

    1. Thanks, Jacqui. I've been meaning to join FMF forever. Here's to new beginnings :)
