" Someone with whom we share food is likely to be our friend, or well on the way to becoming one." -Tim ChesterIf you've been reading here any length of time you know that one of the focuses of my writing is on missional living. For the sake of this series we'll define missional as "living as a missionary." What this looks like will vary widely based on your context. But in the U.S. I believe a simple formula is applicable in most contexts. Are you ready for it? Live your life with intention. That's all.
I believe that the American church for the most part consists of two types of people. Either you are someone who pulls into your garage each night and stays mostly at home, hangs out almost exclusively with other Christians, and has limited community involvement. Or you go out on weeknights and weekends, hang out with mixed groups of people, and are at least beginning to be connected to your community. If you are in the former group than missional living is going to be a bigger challenge for you as it's going to cause you to have to reorient your life and priorities. If you are of the latter group than for the most part missional living will be easy because you'll simply need to do what your already doing but with intention.
The good news is that meals are an easy place for anyone to start on their missional journey. In my experience I have found that meals are among the great equalizers in life. If you take a moment to reflect on some of your greatest memories you'll realize that many of them took place around the table. Meals are a great catalyst for building community, deepening relationships, and finding unity.
If you'd like to find inspiration for more meaningful life around the table, I invite you to join me for the next 31 days. I believe you'll find the simplicity of missional meals inspiring for intention in other areas of your life. Besides, you find yourself at the table roughly three times a day don't you?
Day 2: Plan a Dinner
Day 3: Eat with Those Who Are Lost
Day 4: Eat with Those who Are Found
Day 5: A Resource for Your Journey
Day 6: As You Approach the Table
Day 7: Eating with the Lost and Found
Day 8: Eating Around Your Table
Day 9: Eating at the Public Table
Day 10: Authenticity is Key
Day 11: On Listening Well
Day 12: For Your Weekend Reading
Day 13: Finding Jesus in Your Meals
Day 14: Stories Matter
Day 15: There is Grace
Day 16: A Theology of Food
Day 17: For Your Gospel Centered Conversations
Day 18: Where We Are
Day 19: Life as Mission: A Visual
Day 20: A Prayer for You
Day 21: A Welcoming Home
Day 22: Memorable Meals
Day 23: It Doesn't Have to be Perfect
Day 24: Pantry Essentials and a Recipe
Day 25: Why Meals Matter
Day 26: Resources for Your Meals
Day 27: For When You're Hungry
Day 28: So Far
Day 29: More Resources for Your Journey
Day 30: Put Mission on Automatic
Day 31: Today is the Day
Over the next 31 days I'm joining with The Nester and 1000s of other bloggers who are writing on nearly every subject under the sun for the month of October. Want to read more? Join us here.