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Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Do This Today

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Sometimes we all have those seasons where we feel alone. For whatever reason we've lost touch with those in our community. Our neighbors, close friends, small group or family. And it is in those seasons often more than others that I find myself raw. On the verge of tears. R
eady to explode at any moment.

Maybe your job has been especially tiresome or you have a new baby. Maybe you've just entered a new season of life or one of your family members is struggling. Whatever the reason, you're feeling alone and desperate. This is what I want you to do:

Push past the difficulty and the clouds looming over your life. Invite a friend to join you at a place where the coffee cup is bottomless (ie. Panera, IHOP, etc.). Tell her how you feel. Alone and overwhelmed. Don't give yourself anytime timelines. Just talk while she listens. And then next week? Do the same for her.

You need this. She needs to be needed. It won't take all your problems away. But it will remind you that you're not alone. That is one of the greatest gifts we can both give and receive.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Great advice! Far too often we try to go it alone. We were not created to do that though.
