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Friday, May 3, 2013

Brave (Five Minute Friday)

Brave is women. Them sitting in my Thursday night group. A group of them. Wanting to live whole hearted. Talking  about shame and her of all things. And we sit there in our imperfect bodies with our hearts pouring out of our imperfect lives. We’re broken and bleeding. Real and honest. We’ve come because we know we’ve messed up and failed. And we know you have too. We know in this life we can’t get it right. But we want to get closer.

In this life we’ll never be enough. Never skinny enough or curvy enough. We’ll never be rich enough or non-consumerist enough. But in that room, in two hours each week we level the playing field. And all our broken pieces come together to make a beautiful mosaic.

And that is where I learn to be brave. 

I'm linked up with Lisa-Jo's Five Minute Friday. Join us here?


  1. That IS brave. Honesty is brave. And so liberating. Beautiful writing. Praying for your Thursday ladies- thanking God for working within you.

    1. Oh, thank you, LR. It is liberating. I appreciate your prayers.

  2. I like the mosaic thought. Beautiful. Happy Friday!!

  3. How great that you have that. Being around other people who can be real definitely helps us have the courage to be as well...which in turn helps others, etc. :)

    1. Absolutely, Sara. This group is so "easy" because we all came with the intention of addressing shame in our lives. That really levels the playing field.

  4. So thankful for you, Joy. So, so thankful.

    1. Thank you, Sadee. I count you as a blessing too.
