Can you believe now is already the time to start thinking about conferences to attend in 2012? I used to be a conference junky but recently the only ones I've attended have been ones I'm working at. I'm attending two conferences as staff this year and
one I'm really excited about.
The Exponential Conference is the 'largest gathering of church planters on the planet.' Last year was my first time attending and it was amazing. What's really exciting about Exponential this year is that they're focusing on spouses and the overall health of the church planting couple. I know we all need help in that area!
Mark your calendar for April 23 – 26, 2012 and commit to attend Exponential 2012. Here are just a few more reasons why…
• Over 4,500 Church Planting Leaders
• Over 100 National Speakers
• 15 Pre-Conference Intensives
• Over 100 Workshops
• Special Discounts for Spouses
• Inspiring, Encouraging, Equipping & Challenging leaders
• Group options to Customize your Experience
• Over 50 National Sponsors help make it Affordable
• Sunny Orlando, Florida
Exponential 2012’s “Sifted” theme highlights the vital importance of the spiritual, physical and emotional health of the church planter as a vital component in catalyzing leaders who reproduce. Where most resources focus on the “doing” of models, approaches and innovations, “Sifted” focuses on the “being” and health of church planting leaders. Through the “Sifted” theme, Exponential seeks to create a national conversation around what it looks like to improve the support of church planting leaders, especially in the post-launch phase, and develop healthier and more productive church planters.
Mark your calendar now and plan to attend! The super duper early bird rate of $149 for the planter and $79 for the spouse is good until December 2, 2011. Visit to learn more and to register.
If you're attending Exponential in 2012 let me know so we can be sure to meet up.