Friday, February 21, 2014

Small: #FiveMinuteFriday

If I believe what I say I believe then small is the new big in this Upside-down Kingdom I'm a resident of. But I'm struggling to find balance between the beautiful mundane and the big and loud. The comments, and the tweets, and the conference speaking. Verses the dishes, and the fresh bread, and the vacumed floors.

I believe our lives, our homes, our sinks can be an altar. And I believe our tweets, our blogs, our online personas can be the same. All of our lives is worship to someone or something...

And for the first time in a long time I'm truly believing that the small matters. That the mostly unseen things are what is truly big. Lasting. Eternal. And as I'm believing this, what the world calls "big" is happening. Relationships, invitations, projects. And is there a correlation? Between the everyday mundane beauty and the big "here is my life" public?

I write and am heard. I serve others and no one knows. And you can do booth. And I'm learning that we don't have to choose. That our lives can be big and small. Unknown and viral. Quiet and resounding.

So in a moment I'll wash the dishes and before the day is over I'll start on a project that may make everything come crashing down around my sweet little online personana. And I'll continue to walk the tightrope between big and small.

On Fridays I join a community of writers that write on a prompt and encourage one another. You can join us here.

Five Minute Friday


  1. "I believe our lives, our home, our sinks can be an altar. And I believe our tweets, our blogs, our online persona can be the same. All of our lives is worship to someone or something…"

    Yes! Thank you for this. For the motivation to press on and chose to make all things an act of worship. What a free and fun way to live. Love, love, love. Visiting you from one link after at Lisa Jo's.

  2. If it isn't big enough to bring it all down, then it isn't big enough to matter. If it isn't small enough to go unnoticed, then it isn't small enough to tell you who you are. So many contradictions, but I'm with you. The little things we do every day are who we really are.

    1. Good perspective, Renia. Thanks for sharing.
