Friday, August 23, 2013

Last (Five Minute Friday)

Our is the upside down kingdom. That we’ve been adopted into by His grace. And it really is countercultural. This first shall be last, radical, not pursuing of the American Dream, thing.

And I’m surrounded by people trying to make and get and be more. All the time. It’s always more. And I don’t want to run that race, always striving.

But it’s all around me and I often get confused. How do you be separate in a world like that? How do you not always push to the front of the line when everyone is vying for attention? How do you make yourself less and make Him more? How do you become first by becoming last?

I’m trying to figure this out as I do ministry with the homeless and the lawyer. The college student and the politician. The professional athlete and the day laborer. And I don’t know the answer.

But each day I wake and I strive to take up my cross anew and follow Him. To preach the Gospel  to myself that they may see His light. And I mess up and get it wrong all the time. By I grow and move forward and pick myself up. And maybe in the daily failing I really am learning to become last?

Five Minute Friday

On Fridays I join a community of writers who encourage one another. If you're interested in joining us visit here


  1. I really like your last line. I think that might be key as uncomfortable as it is. It's in our failing to live up to the standard, that we can love others right where they are maybe? We love because we were first loved.
    Lovely take on the word 'last' : ) I enjoyed your perspective.

    1. Sareh, thanks for your good perspective and for stopping by.

  2. Love this, Joy. I came over from Five Minute Friday and I confess to over-thinking this morning of why the first become last. But for some reason thinking why the last become first helps clear my brain a little and better grasp the concept of humility. Thanks!

    1. Yes, Kristen it is often mind boggling. Thanks for stopping by.

  3. Yes, this upside down kingdom is paradoxical...the first will be last. I liked your comparison between the different extremes of people. Thanks for the post! :)

    1. Rachel, it's is indeed a paradox. Thanks for reading today.

  4. Wow. Love the thought. We fail and we learn to be last. God wants us to be selfless and giving. I am inspired that you have such a wonderful ministry. Following your from Five Minute Friday. :)

    1. Thank you, Mary. I appreciate your kind words.
